Agricultural Research Service - ARS

Dr. Duke's
Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases

Ethnobotanical uses

Anacardium occidentale L. (ANACARDIACEAE)

Burn Burkill,1966; Catarrh Burkill,1966; Constipation Burkill,1966; Dermatosis Burkill,1966; Diarrhea Burkill,1966; Nausea Burkill,1966; Termitifuge Burkill,1966; Thrush Burkill,1966

Anacardium occidentale (ANACARDIACEAE)

Ache(Stomach) Eb30: 131, Wong; Ache(Tooth) Brutus; Asthma Duke,1972, Eb29: 285, Eb30: 131, Wong; Astringent Woi.1; Callosity Hartwell; Callus Hartwell; Caries Liogier; Caustic Standley; Cold Duke,1972, Eb29: 285; Congestion Duke,1972, Eb29: 285; Corn Hartwell, Steinmetz; Cough Eb30: 131, Wong; Debility Duke,1972; Diabetes Duke,1972, Gupta, Liogier, Martinez, Standley; Diarrhea Eb30: 131, Gupta, Liogier, Martinez, Standley, Steinmetz, Wong; Diuretic Gupta; Dysentery Eb30: 131, Liogier, Pittier, Wong; Dyspepsia Eb30: 131, Wong; Fever Steinmetz; Freckle Standley; Gargle Pittier; Hypertension Gupta; Inflammation Gupta; Intoxicant Eb26: 245, Eb33: 37; Leprosy Pittier, Standley; Liqueur Duke,1972, Standley, Standley,Steyermark; Piscicide Du; Poison Liogier, Martinez, Standley,Steyermark, Steinmetz; Purgative Liogier; Repellant(Insect)* Standley; Scurvy Duke,1972; Skin Standley, Standley,Steyermark; Sore(Throat) Gupta, Pittier; Stomatitis Liogier; Swelling Martinez; Syphilis Martinez, Standley; Tattoo Eb33: 37; Throat Gupta; Tumor Hartwell; Ulcer Standley; Vesicant Woi.1; Wart Hartwell, Liogier, Standley, Standley,Steyermark, Steinmetz

* = Chemical(s) found in plant shown to be effective for the ailment medicated
** = Plant itself shown to be effective for the ailment medicated

Phytochemical Database, USDA - ARS - NGRL, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, Maryland
Mon May 20 15:00:41 EDT 2002

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James A. Duke (E-Mail:
Stephen M. Beckstrom-Sternberg (E-Mail:

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WebMaster (E-Mail:

The USDA does not recommend self diagnosis or self medication. Please see the disclaimer for more information.